Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's 2012.

Good afternoon all, and welcome to my first blog post of 2012. This is going to be a big year, I can feel it. As I sit here and write to you on my new laptop, I am reflecting on the past year of my life. For me, 2011 tops the list as 'The Worst Year Of My Life', and I certainly am not going to let 2012 be the same way. So here's my list of New Year's Resolutions, and who knows whether or not I'll actually follow through.

1.) I need to STOP with the candy. I have a serious addiction to candy, especially chocolate. Of course, it doesn't help that Christmas, my birthday, and Valentine's Day all fall within less than a month of each other, followed then by Easter, all of the major candy holidays. If you put a bowl of candy in front of me, I would probably have it gone within a day or two. I swear, my sweet tooth just aches and aches for candy. So here's my solution-I will give all of the candy I receive to my little brother. Not that he's not already hyperactive enough, but I feel like at his age the candy will harm his body much less than mine. So please, buy me a box of carrots, not chocolates.

2.) I will do my homework on Friday nights. Okay, so this has to be the lamest resolution ever, but it might make me hate Sundays a little less. This will also be the hardest to follow through with, because really, who wants to spend their Friday nights doing homework? I'd much rather be out with friends or something. But I have good reason, I swear I do. With show choir season officially beginning this week, I can't leave all my homework for nine o' clock on Sunday night. Nothing is more exhausting than going to a show choir competition at 5 am on Saturday and not returning home until 5 am on Sunday, every weekend. By the time I get home, I am exhausted and sleep nearly the entire day every Sunday. It's got to be pretty unhealthy, but then again show choir season is basically just three months of hell and no sleep, but with a lot more makeup. So I vow to do homework on Friday nights, at least until show choir season is over.

3.) I will stop "hating" things. Lately I have been finding myself saying I hate this or that, just because I dislike it. Hate is too strong of a word, and I don't want to overuse it, because when I actually do hate something, it won't mean anything.

4.) I will CUT MY HAIR. I just can't stand it anymore. My hair is nearly to my hips, and everyone always tells me how long and gorgeous and healthy it looks. But it's not healthy at all, it's dead and dry and nearly impossible to maintain. I've had long hair forever but I just need something new and fresh, and healthy. It will grow back. And it feels good to donate your hair.

5.) I will be happy. I'm tired of being unhappy, so I plan to eliminate every source of unhappiness and negativity in my life. I just can't be unhappy anymore, I'm too young for that. I will remind myself to be optimistic, and to look at things differently. Sure, I'll still have bad days, but I'm so sick of every day being a bad day. So I will be happy. I will be.

So there you have it, my New Year's Resolutions. Who knows if they will last a day or a week or all year. It's hard to tell. But hopefully they'll be more than just words on a blog post, more than just a grade for AP Lang. And I hope you all keep your resolutions too, because we all could use a little more of something and less of another. Happy New Year, let's make 2012 a great year.

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