Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Troubles of School (Sigh)

Ah, school. Attendance. Things that just don't matter. Or things that should matter, but don't. It seems as if lately school has become a lesser priority in my life. I get good grades, I do my homework, and I score decent on tests and quizzes. But as for actually going to my classes, well, that's where I struggle. It's not like I cut class on a daily basis, in fact, all of my absences are excused for legitimate reasons. And I have struggled with illness--but now it seems like if I woke up one day coughing, that would be enough of an excused not to go to school. I have absolutely no motivation to go to school. I'm not lazy by any means, I still participate in school activities, and I spend a lot of time doing my homework, I just don't like the actual school part of school. To me, it's unneccessary. If I can miss school and still do well, what's the point in going? I never feel well, and I never want to be at school. It's cold, it's dark, it's full of people who are rude and inconsiderate. I just do not enjoy being at school for any reason.

As we are in the process of registering for next year's classes, I am continuously growing weary. I don't want to come back to this place for another year, I don't want to come back for another day. I need credits to graduate, but part of me wishes I had worked harder during the past three years and gotten enough credits to graduate at the end of my junior year. By the end of my senior year, I will easily graduate with 400 credits, I am sure to recieve a lot of academic awards, and I will be recognized for my induction into National Honor Society. Perhaps I will even gain the title of valedictorian (one can only hope). I am in no way a bad student, but just don't want to go to school anymore. I am ready to be done, and I feel as if I am done--but then I look ahead and realize I have an entire year ahead of me. People tell me that a year will go by quickly, and I agree, but I want my senior year to be different. I want to focus on bettering myself, being the best I can possibly be. I want to be homeschooled.

You know what they say, slow and steady wins the race. But I feel so close to the finish line I just want to sprint for it like the hare did. But like the hare, I get tired and give up at certain points. I know I need to take it one day at a time, but sometimes it just seems impossible to take it slow. I can only hope that once I finally do reach the finish line and recieve my diploma, I can do something I want to do. I want to travel and go to college and recieve an education. I want to recieve my bachelor's degree and go on to graduate school for my law degree, and I want to lead a successful life in law and politics. I know I can get there someday, but for now I just have to keep moving forward. I have the grades and the credits, but as for going to school I'm lacking. Let's just hope they don't look at my attendance record, or I'm screwed for a lifetime.

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