Sunday, January 8, 2012


Of the things that bother me the most in our society, PDA (Public Displays of Affection) tops the list. No, it's not because I'm jealous or can't "get any", it's because PDA is seriously annoying. People who participate in PDA clearly have little to no class. Although this is certainly a problem at school and in show choir, it wasn't brought to my attention extensively until yesterday, when I saw PDA nearly everywhere I went at a show choir competition.

Of course, PDA is tolerable to a certain extent. Like holding hands, for example. Holding hands is affectionate and lets your partner know that you care enough to be seen with them and to let people know that you are together, without being over the top and causing stomachs to turn with nausea. A peck or two here and there is acceptable in certain situations, like on a date or at the park or at a party. But in family situations or in a small group of friends, it's just awkward. And full on face-sucking is just unacceptable. Your tongue was made for tasting and nothing more, at least while you're in front of other people.

PDA is selfish. What makes it acceptable to sit in the corner of a room with fifty other people and make out with your girlfriend? The answer: absolutely nothing. You're being very inconsiderate of the fifty other people in the room. What happened to majority rules? Exactly. Get a room.

As it seems, PDA is increasingly on the rise. Young people are becoming more and more liberal, and they feel free to express themselves in whatever way they choose. Another reason is, arguably, that celebrities are becoming more engaged in PDA as well. Magazines, television, the internet, and other media sources feature pictures and articles of celebrities being caught gettin' it on in public. Our society is losing it's class, starting with our "leaders" and making it's way to the halls of modern high schools.

It's cool to be affectionate. I'm all for the whole "being in love" thing, and dating and getting married and having babies and all that jazz. Sure, it's your life. But please, keep the physical affection to a minimum. It's called "privacy" for a reason.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not that I am disagreeing with you here. But you wrote, "As it seems, PDA is increasingly on the rise. Young people are becoming more and more liberal, and they feel free to express themselves in whatever way they choose." Please do a little reading on what was going on in the late 60's & early 70's. Young people these days have nothing on the Woodstock Generation. Which by the way, would be people your grandparents age!
