Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Wonders of Pep Band

Friday night, I spent most of my night in pep band. That is, playing "fun" songs during timeouts, playing the fight song (short version!) when the basketball team scores, and trying to capture the crowd's attention over the dance team and the cheerleaders during halftime. I must admit, basketball pep band calls to me much more than football pep band, mostly because it's indoors and the band is allowed to buy food. Also, I don't have to conduct the band while everyone stares at me during basketball pep band. Double win.

But let's be honest here, does anyone actually want the band at basketball games? I mean come on. We sit off in our own corner of the gym, we barely get to play during the game, and no one appreciates us when we do play. The songs we play were once hits but are now unrecognizable by the vast majority of our student body. Let's face it, nobody wants to hear "You Can Call Me Al" or "Johnny Be Good" a dozen times in a row. I must say, though I am slightly impressed that we play some popular songs like "Zombie Nation" and "Thriller", and our recent addition of "Party Rock Anthem", I wish we played more modern music. We need to play songs like "Bad Romance" and "I Gotta Feelin'", songs that are crowd-pleasers. Then, we might actually be acknowledged and possibly even be wanted at basketball games.

So the school doesn't want us there, and I can't think of a single band kid who actually wants to be there, so why exactly do we play at basketball games? They can play popular music over the intercom system in the gym, and I'm sure it would sound ten times better than the band anyway. Let's face it, pep band is just a waste of our, and the people of Kennedy High School's, time.

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