Sunday, January 29, 2012

Alright, so it is Sunday night, and I'm feeling pretty good. I've gotten most of my homework done, and I'm all snuggled up and ready for bed. And then I realize I have to blog once more this week. I'm exactly 123 words short of word count for this week, and that straight up annoys me. Like, I'm totally relaxed and ready to end my day, and then it hits me: I still have to blog.

Don't get me wrong here, I love blogging. It allows me to speak subjectively about the things I feel most strongly about: music, Americans, snobs (Americans). But sometimes it just gets in the way, ya know? If I didn't have school (flashback to the multiple school rants) I would be happy to blog every day of my life. But because of school I have a.) no time to blog and b.) nothing to blog about other than school. I'm bored, you know? When I grow up, I will blog about my awesome life and my awesome travels. But right now I'm just not going anywhere, not doing anything interesting, not living a full life.

Alas, I'm at 188 words. I'm such an overachiever.

Goodnight, all.

That's right. Image provided by Google Images.

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