Sunday, January 15, 2012

Michael Bublé is a god.

If you were to ask me who my favorite singer is, there is no doubt that my answer would be Michael Bublé. If you were to ask me why he's my favorite though, you probably wouldn't get the response you'd expect. Sure, he has the voice of an angel, he sings jazz music, and he's the newest addition to a long list of legendary jazz singers. Not to mention he's as attractive as a Greek god. But I like Michael Bublé for one particular reason: he can cheer me up when no one else can.

When I'm mad at someone or just feeling sad, or simply having a bad day, the first thing I do is head over to my Bublé station on Pandora to discover new tunes. The second I hear his pure, crisp voice I feel so much better. His signature jazzy lisp makes my day so much brighter. If a voice was an exact replica of a saxophone, that voice would belong to Michael Bublé. And perhaps that's why I love him so much: I am a sax player, his music feels so personal to me.

It's as if when he sings he is singing directly to me, and not the millions of other women who are obsessed with him. Michael Bublé means something to me, his songs are more than just notes and lyrics. As much as I adore Ray Charles and Frank Sinatra, Michael Bublé makes me much happier. It's nearly impossible for me to feel bad in any way while I'm listening to Bublé. He reinvents me. He takes me back to the 1920's, when jazz and feminism went hand in hand. He makes me feel as if I'm on a ship late at night, with not a care in the world other than to dance to the next song. The saxophones and trumpets are blasting in the background, and I'll be sailing Beyond the Sea (Kevin Spacey). Sure, Michael Bublé is only half a generation above me, but he gets it. He, too, was meant to live in a different time period. Not because of the end of war or upcoming depression, but because of the culture that lived on during the time period. Michael Bublé and I speak the same language: 1920's jazz.

Michael Bublé, can we please just get married already? 

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