Monday, January 16, 2012

I Love Show Choir.

So I was really hoping I had already surpassed the required word count for this week, but when I visited my blog I found that I'm about 200 words short. Arrrrggg, I thought, what in the world can I babble on about for 200 words? One thing that doesn't take much thinking: show choir.

Saturday night our varsity show choir, Happiness Inc., competed at Linn Mar's Supernova and took Grand Champions, Best Vocals, and Best Choreography. It was the first time we have ever won that particular competition, and it absolutely felt great. But then again, when doesn't winning feel great?

So as of that last paragraph, I'm at 99 words. Only 101 more to go. Except now I'm at 112. So that means I only have 88 to go. Ah poop, this could go on forever. Anyway, I was on Youtube looking for Happiness' show so that I could modestly share it with you people. But of course their 2012 show isn't up yet (ARRRGG!) so I'll just have to share last year's show. Just as good though, I promise.

174 words. And speaking of numbers, I reached 600 page views this week! YEAH BABY (Austin Powers impression). SIX HUNDRED people have viewed my blog since I started it in September. (Well, 608 to be exact). I. Feel. Awesome.

Oh yeah, 210 words. I can now officially post this video and end this blog post. Enjoy.

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