Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hope, like energy, never goes away.

Hello, all. It's Saturday morning (Where on earth did Friday night go?!) and it just dawned on me that I have three blog posts to do in two days. Arggg, I hate weeks like this. Mini rant: this past week is perhaps #1 on my "Worst Weeks of My Life" list. It's definitely in the top 3, but I'm going to say #1 for now. Why, you ask? I will tell you why. I have been sick all week. I was home in bed all day on Tuesday, and as the week went on my illness seemed to get progressively worse. Perhaps, though, it wasn't entirely my illness getting worse, but rather my physical condition. After show choir practice, homework, and getting a maximum of five hours of sleep per night, I'm so weak I can hardly lift a pen. Add illness on top of that, and I'm practically doomed. Unfortunately, tonight I have a show choir competition, and I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to pull it off. At least, though, I only have to perform twice instead of four times. But still. I can't sing a note, my limbs are so sore that I can't dance, especially not in high-heeled gogo boots, and forget having to hold up a tenor saxophone. I'm sooooo sick of being sick.

There's nothing I'd rather do than curl up with a blanket and my cat and sleep for oh, two days or so. But unfortunately life continues on, whether you're healthy or not, through hard times and not so hard times. Sometimes it seems so much easier to just ignore reality and instead go to your dreams for guidance. But you know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I only hope that this is true. There are people out there who have it so much worse than me, and yet they are so much happier and so much stronger. I admire those people. They all seem to be missing something: health, wellness, money. But they have something that so many people in this world don't have: they have hope. When it seems like all is forgotten and we've all given up, they will still be there, hoping for a better future. They will use their developed skills: patience, obedience, kindness, optimism, and they will continue hoping. Because hope is like energy: it can never go away. It is converted through different forms: elastic energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, but it is never lost. Hope is never lost, but instead it is converted through different forms. Elastic hope, the hope the passes from one person to the next person, the kind of hope that sticks to you after you've spoken with a person who sees the glass as half full. Potential hope, the kind of hope that's hiding inside of you, but is still there. This hope is much harder to see, and even if you think it's not there, it is. It's just waiting for you to turn it into something better: kinetic hope. This is the kind of hope that's always in motion, the kind that is being put to good use and is being shared throughout the world.

So yeah, I had a bad week. And there's no doubt that I'll have more bad weeks in the future. But over time those of us who feel we are at an ultimate low, that there is nothing better and things will be bad forever, we are going to find the potential hope inside of us, and we are going turn it into useful, kinetic hope.

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