Sunday, October 30, 2011

Insert Title Here

Hello all. Okay, so I'm going to be totally honest here and say that I'm not really in a blogging mood right now, and my only goal of this post is to get the desired word count for this to go in the grade book. That being said, it's Sunday night, I'm completely overwhelmed by the pile of unfinished homework sitting on my desk, and I'm a little drousy from a lazy afternoon. My lights keep flickering on and off, which means that a.) there's a ghost in my house (very likely, tomorrow is Halloween) or b.) the light bulb needs changed (I'll go with option a, because who actually thinks logically about things?)

Whether it's rushing to complete my author study (Mary Wollstonecraft--quite an interesting lady) or speeding from show choir rehearsal to voice lessons, it seems that lately I've been behind on everything in my life. I feel as if I'm not giving my friends, schoolwork, and music the full 110% percent they deserve, and for that I apologize to them. This weekend, I brought my tenor saxophone home with full intentions of practicing my combo music for no less than two hours, and I haven't touched it yet. I'm sure by the time I finish my homework it will be very late, and everyone in my house will be sleepng, so scratch that idea.

But this isn't only about me; my lack of motivation and energy is hurting others too. I very rarely see my family anymore, and I have absolutely no idea what's going on in my parents' lives, nor do they know what's going on in mine. I haven't cleaned my room in over a month, and what a disaster that is. Moral of the story is that I need a break, and I need a break now. Luckily, Thanksgiving break is in three weeks, so I actually have something to look forward to. I'll be able to see my family finally, and it will be under better circumstances that the last time. :)

So anyway, I had a pretty scary weekend, haha. Friday night I watched the movie "The Shortcut" with some friends. It was very clichĂ© at first, when it started off at a high school dance in the 1940's and at the end of the dance the boy walked the girl home and took a shortcut through the woods. By that time, I was practically screaming with laughter because it wasn't scary at all, but over the course of the plot the movie turned reaallly creepy. And then of course I came home to an empty house (it seems that whenever I don't want my parents at home, they're there, and whenever I do want them at home, they're gone) and I was too scared to even go in my own bedroom. Then, last night, a group of friends and I went to a haunted, uh, woods (for lack of a better term) and that was pretty scary, until the end. It included the typical trail walk through the forest in which people in costumes jump out at you and then follow you, but it also had a story behind it. We first watched a video, based on a true story, about an axe murder that took place in 1911. Then, the actors led us through the mock town, where the murder supposedly took place. There were various houses and buildings we were led through and we were supposed to use the given clues to solve the murder case. That part was pretty lame. I have to admit, it's a lot scarier to have things jump out at you on a trail than to be place in the middle of a murder story with bad actors.

So basically, I had an alright weekend, until now, because I'm boggled down with homework and trying to watch a movie on TV at the same time. It's all good though, cause Thanksgiving break is in three weeks. Also, I am aware that this post has nothing to do with music, and I apologize for that. Sincerely.

Take care, folks, and have a fantastic Halloween tomorrow. :)

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