Monday, October 3, 2011

The worst thing you will ever hear...EVER.

Everyone has their forte. Some people are good at painting, others are good at sports. Some have a calling for language, others are more in tune with mathematics. Some people are singers, others are dancers. Whatever you choose to be, pick something you're good at, and stick to it.

Pictured above: Rebecca Black from her music video "Friday". Image courtesy of Google Images.

Nothing irritates me more than seeing someone doing something that they aren't good at. I don't mean that in the way you're probably thinking, because everyone knows there's always that one kid on the basketball team that sits out every game, or that one band kid who is told to "fake play" by the director. No, that doesn't bother me, it's when people are FAMOUS for something that they have absolutely no talent in that does.

One person who is an excellent example of this and has recently caught my attention is Rebecca Black. Let me just start by saying if you are a fan of Rebecca Black, that is fine by all means. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not telling you that you shouldn't like her, I'm simply stating my honest opinion about her. So again, if you like Rebecca Black, and don't want to know my opinion about her, you might want to stop reading this blog now.

Excellent, you're still here. So I'm sure by now you've caught on to the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of Rebecca Black. It's not that she's a bad person or she did something to hurt me personally, it's just that she's famous for something that she's not good at. Yes, I said it, she's a bad singer. She has no talent for singing--take it from an actual singer. It just astounds me that there are so many people in the world who can sing very well, and yet someone like her, who can't sing a note, is a famous singer.

The other thing that bothers me is her use of auto-tune, which as suggested by it's name, automatically tunes her voice with the music. This to me is cheating, because it's just taking her words and changing the pitch of her voice. It also makes her sound like a robot, and there's really nothing pretty about that.

It's people like Rebecca Black who make me really question our society. Think about it: she creates a music video, she posts it on Youtube, she becomes famous, and almost everyone in the country hates her because she can't sing. She had to remove her video from Youtube after it was posted because she got so many negative comments. I know I'm not Rebecca Black, but if I was her and had to take my video off Youtube because it was so bad, I would probably get the hint that I should perhaps find a different hobby. Perhaps I would take up Frisbee, or painting, something in which I could only hurt myself. But that's just me.

*If you're interesting in seeing Rebecca's music video for the song Friday click here.

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