Saturday, October 22, 2011

K@ra0Ke TiM3!

Alright, so it's only October, and I'm already running out of ideas for blog posts. I wish January was here so I could talk about show choir while it's in season! I'm not the biggest fan of snow though, so maybe not. Anyway, I'm going to talk about karaoke today, because it's fun so I figure why not?

So when I was eight, my parents got me a karaoke machine for Christmas. At the time I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever laid eyes on, and I would sing with it every single day. I also took it everywhere with me: to friends' houses, to my grandma's house, when I would visit family, etc. My parents bought me tons of karaoke CD's with all my favorite songs on them, and then I would put on a little show for my family and friends. This karaoke machine became the most important thing in my life, and then it broke one day.

I was twelve, and I went to turn it on one day after school. To my surprise, the little red light didn't come on when I pressed the "ON" switch. I made sure the machine was plugged in and hooked up right, but it still wouldn't turn on. I asked my mom to come help me turn it on, but she didn't have any luck either. I was devastated. It was one of the most tragic things that had ever happened to me. If my karaoke machine didn't work anymore, that meant I couldn't sing anymore.

It never occurred to me to buy a new karaoke machine. To me there was only one, and that machine was dead. I now had nothing to do in my free time.  I had grown so close to a machine that my friends didn't matter so much anymore, I just wanted to sing my karaoke.

Looking back on this, I laugh. To think that I was so caught up in a machine, and the fact that there are millions of others out there, makes it even more comical. I was a small part of my life that made a big impact, because now I sing all the time, whether it's karaoke or not.

Singing karaoke is fun, whether you can actually sing or not. Sometimes it's more fun if you are a terrible singer than if you're actually good. A lot of places like bars have karaoke stations where you can sing with your friends and just have a good time. There are also games like Singstar that you can sing with on your video game console whether you're alone or with friends.

I absolutely love singing karaoke, and it's a great way to have fun with friends. My experience as a child with karaoke made me into the singer I am today, and my love for my karaoke machine made me love karaoke in general. So here's my advice to you: just sing your heart out!

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