Sunday, October 23, 2011


Whether you call it "show choir back up band", "glee band", or "combo", it's slowly creeping it's way into the lives of many band geeks all around the country. "Combo" is the band that plays the back up music for the show choir, and often it takes the place of marching band for a band geek.

This will be my second year in show choir combo, and I absolutely love it. Because let's face it, without the band, the show choir would be nothing. Even though the music is difficult and the key signatures are really disgusting (often containing five or more sharps or flats, ugh.), the fun you have in combo really makes up for it. Everyone loves "combo corner", which is where the combo kids hang out at the competitions, away from all the show choir kids, and you can't leave out the awesome feeling when you get the award for Best Band. You also can't leave out all the inside jokes, and the bus rides.

When it comes down to it, show choir combo isn't really about music. Yeah, we perform one or two (maybe even three!) shows at each competition, but the time in between is what matters most. Combo kids accept each other for who they are, inside and out. Okay, so that sounded really corny. But seriously, combo is fun, so all you band geeks out there, I seriously recommend you join.

Combo takes the place of marching band, but with a lot less people. I suggest making friends with the other combo members, because you spend like 18 or more hours with them each week. That could be a real problem if you don't like your fellow combo members.

Some show choir combos get to go on stage and perform. It usually happens at the end of the show, and the combo members will come play their instruments on stage. They usually are wearing the same costumes as the singers, too. In the past I've seen entire drum lines on stage for a show choir performance. My school doesn't really embrace the combo to that extent, but I've always secretly wished we got to go on stage too.

So what I'm basically trying to say is that show choir combo is really fun and I think everyone should join. Well, not everyone, but you get what I mean.

'Cause combo kids get each other.

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