Friday, October 21, 2011

Actually, the party started long before you walked in.

Hello all. It's been quite a long week, and now I'm going to slow down and relax over the weekend by blogging and just chillin' at home, you know.

One artist who I've been wanting to discuss for quite some time is Ke$ha. Regardless of your opinion of her, I think it's cool she's famous but perhaps for all the wrong reasons. If you ask anyone who Ke$ha is, they'll respond with "a famous singer". That's cool, but did you ever think that maybe she's not a famous singer, exactly. I wouldn't really call what she does singing, if you catch my drift. Perhaps screeching is a more accurate term. She's a screecher, and she's talented enough to screech on different pitches.

Okay, so that's a little harsh. But I certainly wouldn't call that nassally, high pitched voice of hers the voice of a singer. Can we get real please? Just because she can yelp in three octaves does not mean she possesses a talent that's worth something.

Again, I'm being too harsh. Let's praise Ke$ha for what she can do. First, she can dance, and I give her props for that. Dancing doesn't come naturally at all for me, instead it just feels awkward and tense, thus, I praise her for being a good dancer. She's also confident, and confidence is key. She clearly struts her stuff like it's nobody's business, and I respect her for that.

Alright, now on to the bad and the ugly. First, Ke$ha has no class. Ugh, there's nothing I dislike more than seeing famous people who aren't classy! I've never understood why celebrities find it acceptable to leave their houses wearing almost nothing, and they flaunt it like they're the hottest sh*t to ever graze the planet. Can we please be at least a little conservative here? Celebrities are supposed to be the ones that us "normal" people look up to, the ones that set the model example for what we strive to be. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to be Ke$ha.

And lastly, Ke$ha, I have absolutely no respect for you because you flaunt your personal life on the air. If you really wake up in the morning and brush your teeth with a bottle of jack, then I don't think we'll be getting along very well. And put some clothes on, please, because it'd be nice to see you on television and say, "Wow, I really like her clothes" than to say "Where on earth are her clothes?".

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