Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is there such thing as too much show choir?

This past week has been the busiest week ever. I had 21 hours of show choir total, in preparation for our show choir premiere concert on Tuesday. We worked a lot on choreography this week, as well as costumes. It felt like our show really came together, at least enough for our first concert. We also brought in our combo for the first time this week, which was pretty exciting. It's funny how you can tell from just one week of practice that it's going to be a great year.

Our choreographer came into town on Monday and worked with us for six hours total, in which we became waaay better at our dancing. I mean waaay better. Personally, I improved so much. I'm not the best dancer, either. He worked a lot on making us all look like one, and making the dance moves personal. He also made our show much more masculine, meaning that the girls have to dance strongly, instead of femininely.  Yup, we're masculine women.

Not only did working hard for long hours make us a better show choir, but it brought us together. I actually feel like we're all a team now, instead of fifty people dancing and singing. We did a lot of bonding activities that helped us get to know each other, and it's interesting what you find out about people. It also teaches you to not judge people before you know them, because really, you don't know their life.

So basically, this week was full of show choir. Which then meant I had no time to do homework, so that's what I'm stuck doing this weekend. But it's all good, cause show choir is worth it. :)

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