Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Tribute to Moms

We've seen flowers and cards in stores, advertisements on TV, and our mom has reminded us every day for the past two weeks that yes, today is Mother's Day. Whether you ordered your mom a gift three months ago or picked it up at the store yesterday, any gift is meant to show your mom how much you love her and appreciate her. I mean seriously, without our moms we wouldn't be here. So give thanks to your mom, today and every day.
Image provided by Google Images.
Today, my mom and I went and got pedicures. Though a pedicure is just something simple, it was nice to spend some time with my mom. Later, we're having dinner with my grandparents, another nice family thing. After all, Mother's Day is not just for celebrating moms--it's for celebrating all the women in our life. In fact, being pro-women and all, women are simply amazing. Think about it: we can multi-task like no man can, we can do pretty much anything a man can do, only ten times better. And we can look good while doing it. What can you do?

Stop and think, what have our moms done for us? To start off, they gave birth to us. That in itself should be immensely rewarded. They changed our diapers and fed us when we needed to be fed. They held our hands we when crossed the street and supported us in everything we did, whether it was writing our name or playing a part in the school play. They taught us life skills, like communication and caring, all while being there for us when we needed a shoulder to cry on. They gave us money when we wanted to go to the movies or to the mall, and before we were 16, they drove us there with our friends. Though it may seem like all they ever do is get in the way, or stop us from doing what we want, it's true that mothers know best. All they want is to see us succeed, no matter what we do.

As we get older, and go on to college we begin to realize just how important our moms really are. We will no longer have someone to make us chicken noodle soup when we're sick or do our laundry when we're too tired to do it ourselves. We won't have anyone there to advise us in sticky situations, or make our favorite food when friends come over. Sure, we'll be growing and learning how to take care of ourselves and becoming independent, but there will always be that part of us that needs our mom, the amazing woman who led us, protected us, nurtured us, and cared for us through life for the past 18 years, and who will continue to do so forever.

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