Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Blog Post

This is my official last blog post. Like, after this I am done blogging for a while. It's sad, but it's also nice to be able to check one school year of blogging off of my to-do list, thus transferring it to the to-done list. So since this is my last blog post, and I have to fit at least 400 words into it, I'm going to take this time to reflect on the last nine months of blogging.

So perhaps I missed the purpose of the whole 'theme blog', in which we were supposed to choose a topic and only blog about that. For those of you who don't know, I chose music as my theme, because it was such an important part of my life. I began this blog during marching season, so all I was doing every day was conducting a marching band--in which case it totally makes sense why I would choose music. But after writing about music for a while it got boring, short attention span perhaps? Anyway, I began to write about whatever came to mind. And sometimes, that just so happened to be music, but other times I wrote about completely random things, like yoga pants, romance, books, and politics, just to name a few. At first it seemed really weird for me to be putting my thoughts out there for just anyone to read, but after a while I stopped caring what people thought. I have expressed my opinions and written about things I love and hate. People disagreed and commented, of course, but I think it's cool that I could just post whatever I wanted (without being rude or offensive, of course) and not care what people thought about it. It was just nice to get my thoughts out and put them somewhere. I'm definitely going to miss that aspect of blogging.

I think my blog sort of went from being a 'music' themed blog to being a 'complain about school and life' blog. At times, this was the only resource I had to vent to. And it did make me feel better, just to put my rants somewhere. It's been a hard year, especially school-wise, but in many ways it's also been the best year I've ever had. I've grown more in the past year than any other time in my life, and that's because I've learned to see the world differently and to look at things from a new perspective. I've prospered all year in music, and I've had the opportunity to share it with my family and friends as well as my blog-viewers (which includes my family and friends). But I think the most important thing that comes to mind when I think back on my blogging days is the way I felt every time I received a new blog view. It makes me feel special, to know that real people actually read my writing. It's been only nine months, and I have nearly 1,600 blog views. To a real, hot-shot blogger I'm sure 1,600 is nothing. But to me it means a lot, to know that my blog has been viewed 1,600 times.

It's amazing to think about how far I've come, and how far I still have to go. I have a whole entire year of high school ahead of me. I don't know yet where I'm going or who I want to be, all I know is that I love to write and I love music. It's so weird to think that in just a year from now, I will be graduating and I will know where I'm going to college and I will be planning my future. But I will still always be thinking of this blog, and how it allowed me to express myself, and how it helped define my junior year.

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