Sunday, May 6, 2012


It seems like every time Sunday night comes around, I have not gotten an ounce of homework done, I've not cleaned my room or done my laundry, I've not gotten a sufficient amount of sleep, and I have to work. Sigh, welcome to my life. Literally, I'm sitting here, scheduled to work in an hour, and my room is an absolute disaster. Piles of laundry sit sorted on the floor of my closet, unwashed, while piles of undone homework sit piled high on my desk, next to my laptop. My bed is unmade, my room unclean, everything out of order. And I have to return to school in 12 hours.

Not to mention that Sundays are the most depressing day of the week. It's the day that's made for homework and catching up on stuff, and then if you're like me and procrastinate until it ends up not getting done, it's even more depressing. Then, if you're also like me, you end up working until 11 PM on a Sunday night, when Mondays are hard enough without staying up late. It's like ugh, is there anything more than this?

I'll admit it, I'm depressed today. Perhaps because my weekend was much less than fulfilling, or perhaps my to-do list is longer today than it was on Friday. Either way, I have no motivation to do anything, yet I have so much to do. Ugh, sundays.

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