Sunday, May 13, 2012

Just Stuff

Okay, so I'm going to do one of those "random" posts--mostly because I can't really think of a specific topic to write about. So here's what's new.

Noodles and Company. Recently, I have become a huge fan of this semi-fast-food restaurant. I, being the picky eater that I am, can go there and order a nice bowl of mac n' cheese, and guess what! They don't look at you funny if you order mac n' cheese there! It's actually considered normal. Apparently, mac n' cheese is their best seller. Not to mention that it's absolutely delicious!
Just look at that! Image provided by Google Images.
Graduation. I'm not graduating this year (sigh) but sadly, most of my friends are. I've attended every graduation for the past three years. Why, you ask? Well 8th grade, my brother graduated. Ever since, I've had to play in the band and sing in the choir for graduation and sophomore year, my sister graduated. So I've been to a total of, wait for it, four graduations. And trust me, graduation ceremonies at my school take FOREVER. The other thing that sucks about graduation is that our band plays the same songs. And the choir sings the same songs. Year after year. Days of Glory, Battle Hymn, and of course the signature graduation song, Pomp and Circumstance. Yeah yeah, tradition and all, but can we please play at least one new song? Sigh. Not a chance.

Results. So I've talked extensively about show choir auditions, callbacks, etc. and so on. Well it's all over now, as we just finished dance auditions last week. Now the fun part (sarcasm, of course) is waiting. Waiting for the show choir/choir lists to be posted, as well as getting callbacks for our more elite groups, like jazz choir and chamber choir. Waiting has to be the worst part of the entire process, because you know that you've done all that you can do, and every single day someone is considering you for their group. Ughhhhhhhh.

Banquets. This week, we have both our choir and band banquets. The banquet is when we go and have a catered dinner (usually provided by HyVee) and then we get awards for doing things. Unfortunately, I didn't gain enough points to get a band letter this year, but I'm only ten points away. Extreme Ugh. But eh, I'll get over it. We also get rewarded for the different groups we participated it--like show choir combo, marching band, and for choir jazz choir, and show choir and stuff. It's actually not so bad. And we get to dress up, so I suppose that's a plus.

AP Tests. Okay, so I've also talked (Or rather, complained) extensively about AP classes/tests. Well, they're finally here, and actually half over. I had my first AP test on Friday (US History, get at me) and I thought it was completely easy. However, the test I have on Wednesday, which is for this class (AP Language and Composition) will not be quite so easy. I know this because we have done very little to prepare in class. I'm not worried about the essays, but the multiple choice, well, kill me now. Must I exclaim again--Ughhhhhhhh.

Illness. For the past week or so, I have been sick. It's been awful. I feel like I've spent more time during my junior year being sick rather than healthy. I really wish I had a stronger immune system. I can't sing, I've been hacking for days, and I ache all the time...must I ask, why me? Why now? I finish yet again with an Ughhhhhhhh.

Voice Recitals. I am now preparing for my second voice recital, in which I will be singing both a solo and a duet. Being sick and all, I showed up at my lesson this week, and yes, I was sent home. I couldn't sing a note--how embarrassing. However, I know my music and am fairly confident that I will do alright in the recital. And that's really all I can ask for. 

Weather. On a positive note, the weather has been absolutely fantastic. It's been in the perfect temperature range--low 70's and sunny. My boyfriend and I have spent quite a great deal of time at the park in the last few days, just enjoying the sunshine and each other's company.

And that, my friends, is all. Have a great week.

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