Saturday, May 19, 2012


It is impossible to be perfect. We try so hard to perfect our lives, yet we know we'll never reach perfection. We always want something more, and we always will. We try and buy the next big thing to perfect our lives, we try and rid ourselves of debt and worries. Yet they always come back to us, there is simply no such thing as a perfect life.

I am a perfectionist. I work so hard to make everything perfect, yet my life is far from perfect and it drives me crazy. I think that working hard and wanting so much will somehow make it happen, and it will thus improve my life that much more. But nobody has more disappointment in their life than a perfectionist, because it is so hard for us to appreciate imperfections.

I compare myself to others, simply because I can't help it. It's a subconscious thing--most the time I don't even realize I'm doing it--even though I know that it is the most harmful thing I can do to myself. The mind is a fragile place, and comparing yourself to others can destroy it. It causes a loss in self-confidence, a loss in faith, a loss in everything that is essential to flourish in an imperfect world. Perfectionists struggle with life, I know first hand. I struggle so much with accepting the fact that not everything is perfect. Not everything is going to go my way. Not everyone is going to make me happy, or make decisions in my favor. Not everyone is going to be there for me when I need them, it's just the way things are. Us perfectionists need to learn to accept the things that don't work well in life, the things that don't go our way, the things that we can't control.

We perfectionists are self-sufficient, or at least we like to think that. We say we don't need anyone, we are independent, because we like to think that we don't need anyone to get through. We strive to be perfect all on our own--anyone else might just get in the way of our goals. But in reality, we need others. We are just as weak as we are strong and though we may not admit it, we cannot make it through life on our own. We may like to always be right, or to always look at the downside of things. We may be a little pessimistic because not everything is perfect, but that doesn't mean we don't need people. We need support just as much as the next person.

The truth is, being a part of something bigger than ourselves is the closest thing to perfection we are ever going to get. One person cannot achieve perfection alone, but multiple people bound together can achieve as much as possible. Nobody's perfect, perfectionists perhaps being the least perfect of all. Truly, though perfection cannot be achieved by anyone, much less can be achieved alone.

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