Sunday, February 26, 2012

I have no idea what to blog about.

This is my last post of the term, and I honestly have nothing left to blog about.

So here is a list.

I have been to 18 out of 50 states, none of them west of Des Moines, Iowa.

I have never swallowed a pill.

I love riding on snow mobiles yet

I hate snow.

I am cold 98% of the time.

I love cats.

I don't like dogs.

I am double jointed.

I have never changed my natural hair color, and I never plan to.

I do not want to live in the United States when I am older.

I am stressed a lot.

I love jeans.

Most of my family lives in Michigan and I go there a lot.

I am a wolverine fan.

I hate everything about Iowa.

I love world history. In fact, I love the world in general. Just not the United States all that much.

I love sunglasses.

I love dodge cars.

I want to be a politician or a lawyer when I grow up. I like debates.

I love the Beatles.

The one thing I hate more than anything else is PDA.

And being late.

I love Starbucks.

I have a lot of pet peeves.

My pet, Macie, has a lot of pet peeves.

I am addicted to The Sims.

My favorite Disney princess is Snow White.

I now have more than the required word count for this post, this week, and this term.

See you all in a week! Good luck with finals :)

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