Sunday, February 26, 2012


Most well-known, 4A schools around the nation host a show choir competition at some point during the season. This past weekend, my school hosted its annual "Raise the Roof!" middle school, prep, and varsity show choir competitions. It is amazing what can be accomplished by doing this, and the results are truly stunning. It it the single biggest fundraiser of the entire year for show choir, but besides earning money, it allows us to establish ourselves as a credible, known show choir (which has been accomplished).

It takes A LOT of work to put on a show choir competition. Every detail has to be thought of, from who is going to empty the trash cans throughout the day to who is going to hand out trophies at awards. Hundreds of people, some not even involved in show choir at all, come to help out and support this event. Every show choir student is assigned a job for the day (some are luckier than others), as well as setting up and cleaning up. My job was cleaning tables. I was originally going to be a judge's assistant, but I had to switch because of a performance conflict. Anyway, I didn't mind, because I was happy to be helping out in anyway possible. After cleaning tables for four hours, my hands were dry and brittle, but I felt like a good person.

With all the people who came together yesterday, every table-cleaner, every judge's assistant, every homeroom host, every ticket seller and concessions worker, every bus unloader and tech assistant, every floor-sweeper and bathroom cleaner, we achieved a common goal. We put on a successful competition, raised money for our program, and once again established ourselves as THE Kennedy show choirs.

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