Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's been confirmed: my cat hates me.

Alright, so you know that feeling when you get a new fluffy friend, and you're so thrilled to just play and cuddle with it? As you all know, I got to experience that feeling just a couple of months ago. And while Macie has turned out to be a really fun, energetic cat, I also am starting to believe that she hates me. Or she thinks she's better than me. Or something like that. First off, she bites me. I will simply go in for a nice pet and she turns her head around and nearly rips my hand off. Secondly, she does not sleep with me. She refuses to even lay on my bed. She will sleep on the couch, or on my parents' bed, but when it comes to my own bed she will not budge. Thirdly, she will not sit by me. When my family and I are in the living room, she only sits by my parents. It's like, Hello Macie. I am your owner. You are my cat. Why won't you even go near me?! I'm sure you can imagine how frustrating this is for me. So my question is, why do cats act like this, to their owners of all people?

The #1 thing every cat owner should know: cats think they are superior to humans.
Image provided by Google Images.
Have you ever wondered why cats sit on high ledges or tables or counters whenever they get the chance? Here's why: they want to feel high, literally. Cats believe that if they are physically higher up than humans, they are ultimately better than them. Cats do not want to look up at you, instead they want to look down on you. They want to feel like they are the supreme being, the one in charge of the house, the ultimate master. Cats have extreme sass. Macie is no exception.

Cats also pick favorites. Unfortunately, my cat didn't pick me to be her favorite, and thus, she does not sleep with me or sit by me or acknowledge me at all. It sucks, but I guess that's life. Macie does not live in my house, I live in Macie's house. Macie does not sit on my couch, I sit on Macie's couch. Our Christmas card does not feature my family, but instead it should feature a picture of Macie, signed "Merry Christmas from Macie and family". She is the queen. She's made it clear.

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