Thursday, February 23, 2012

Basically Just Freaking Out.

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So finals are in less than a week, and it's like ahhhh, where did the term go?! How did I let my grades get this low?! Is that a--a B?!?!?!? I've never had a "B" on my transcript in my life! How does this happen? I guess I'll just have to ace the final. Haha, yeah right, like I'm going to ace the final. Funny joke.

So I'm not here to complain, but I'm going to label this a "rant" post, so that makes it okay, right? Okay. So show choir season is at full volume, right in the middle of the flame, the fire going strong. It's hard to believe that we only have 3 competitions left before nationals. We've come so far, yet we've got so far to go. And then there's jazz choir--all state jazz auditions are steadily creeping nearer and nearer. And then of course, golf starts right in the midst of all of it. Teachers give more and more homework that just keeps piling up. And the only thing I seem to be good at is sleeping, which I don't do nearly enough.

It's just like, I honestly can't take it anymore. It's so hard to pull through and yet so easy to give up. Senoritis is a deadly disease, deadly I tell you.

Alright, rant complete.

P.S. I have passed 800 views on my blog. Thanks guys! :-)

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