Friday, December 16, 2011

Yoga Pants: A Lazier Way To Flaunt What You've Got

Alright, so tonight I'm going to discuss a very controversial topic in girl world: yoga pants. For those of you who don't know, yoga pants are a type of sweat pants that girls wear, especially when it's cold outside, although they can also be purchased in yoga capris and yoga shorts. Unlike traditional sweat pants, yoga pants are skin-tight and very form-fitting. Indeed they are comfortable, but the main reason girls wear them is to show off their gluteus maximus.Yes, that is their, uh, butt. Love them or hate them, every girl owns a pair. Some girls wear them on occasion, or to bed, or only at home, and some girls embrace yoga pants to their full potential and wear them every day.

I've never been a very committed yoga pants wearer myself, mainly because of personal beliefs. I'd much rather have some class than downgrade myself to sweatpants in order to show off my, um, derriere. Plus I don't think it's very appealing to have males gawking at my backside all day long. So, when yoga pants became popular about a year ago, I made a promise that I wouldn't wear them in public. I told myself that I wasn't going to be sucked in to this new, lazy, social norm.

However, last night around 10 pm, I received a mass text message from my show choir director saying that we weren't allowed to wear jeans today, so that we could dance comfortably while our choreographer was in town. This did not make me happy, because I wear jeans 99% of the time. Overloaded with stress, I trudged into my closet in search of something to wear on my lower half. I could always wear regular sweat pants, but I have never worn sweat pants to school and it would probably destroy my moral standards. If it were warm outside, I would have just worn gym shorts. But it is December and I do live in Iowa, which just equals cold. Lastly, I spotted my yoga pants in the corner, unworn (except to bed) and begging to be let out. I sighed and argued with myself in my head.

"You can't wear yoga pants to school tomorrow. It will completely ruin everything you stand for and turn you into one of them."

"But they're sooo comfortable, and sooo warm. And you can't deny the fact that they look good. Plus, I'm not allowed to wear jeans. So it's this or nothing. Deal with it."

"But they're yoga pants. Yes, girls wear them every day and don't have a problem with it, but you're not them. You just can't do it!" 

"I have to. Sucks." 

And so it was. I wore yoga pants to school today, and I'm still living. However, as I walked through the hallways, I felt self-conscious, as if everyone was looking at my behind. I couldn't get over the fact that I was doing something that I told myself I would never do. I wanted to stop and scream "Stop judging me, people!" But as the day went on, I realized that so many other girls were wearing yoga pants, too. Not that this was different than any other day, and I'm sure most of them were pretty comfortable with it, but it still made me feel a little better. As awkward as my outfit looked, it was the acceptable norm at Kennedy High School. As sad as that may be, it made me feel a little better about myself.

So whether you want it or not, here's my ultimate take on yoga pants after today. Yoga pants are okay for bedtime and relaxing at home. That being said, it's perfectly alright to wear them in public on occasion, perhaps on one of those crappy days when you just don't feel like doing anything. They are okay in moderation, but wearing them every single day to try and get attention from boys is just silly. This may sound cheesy, but if you want a boy to like you just be nice and laugh a lot (cause I think boys like laughter). Don't use your body to try and get boys to like you, use your personality.The boys who only like girls for their bodies aren't the ones worth going for anyway. The boys with real tastes will go for the girl who doesn't show off her body to the entire world. And even if you do want to flaunt what you've got every once and a while, you can at least be classy about it. Be traditional like Audrey Hepburn, and go with a skirt and some heels. Trust me ladies, wearing heels and a little make up gives you confidence that yoga pants can't even begin to match. 

I think Jerry Seinfeld can sum this post up for me :

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