Friday, December 9, 2011

I hate winter with a burning passion.

I'll be honest, after the week I've had, blogging isn't really a top priority of mine at the moment. But it's not an option, and I've got three nights for three posts. So here goes.

The first snow fall came this week, on Monday night/Tuesday morning. Nothing major, no accumulation, but enough to make the roads slippery. I, having never driven on icy roads before, woke up Tuesday morning panicking about getting to school. After a pep talk from my mom and some hot chocolate, I headed off to school (after skipping my first class, might I add) and made my way through .02 inches of snow (or something like that).  At first I thought, "Hey, this isn't so bad. I'm moving, I'm not sliding everywhere, and I haven't crashed yet." but then I reached my first turn. I slid a little, and as I continued driving I slid here and there, but I was always able to keep it under control. Finally I reached my destination: school. I had to make one more turn, and then I would safely find my place in the parking lot. But this was the turn that my car didn't like so much: ice nearly covered the entire turn lane. I began to slide into the other lane as I hit my brakes, then I started freaking out. I tried using more brakes, less brakes, turning the steering wheel, but the car seemed to be controlling itself. Finally I just stopped, and it seemed to work. I slowly made my left turn into the parking lot, and all was well. In no way was my first experience driving on icy roads anything it shouldn't have been, we all hear horror stories. And yet I still felt scared, but once I got to school I realized I wasn't the only one.

In my first couple of classes, students chatted about their similar driving experiences that morning. As it turns out, I wasn't the only one who had issues turning into the parking lot, and that made me feel much better. I finally realized that I'm not the only one who's terrified of driving in the snow. 

So Mother Nature, now that I'm driving myself everywhere, I'd really appreciate it if you held off on the snow. I know that I live in Iowa, but give me a break, it's not like I chose to live here. If I could go someplace sunny and warm right now, I would in a heartbeat. But I can't, so please, please hold off on the snow. Just for a little while longer, at least. And could you also make it warm while you're at it, perhaps? Give my heated blanket a rest for once.

Happy Friday, all. And stay warm.

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