Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mind Blown.

I was exploring around on Youtube earlier today, and I came across the "Death Waltz" by John Stump. After watching the video, my jaw was wide open and I had nothing to say. I honestly could not think of any adjectives to describe this piece. Just look at it.

That, my friends, is not music. That is art on paper, something that slightly resembles music but is impossible to play on any instrument ever created. It's like a machine gun on some serious steroids. But yet, it's the most addicing thing I've ever heard. If I was to attempt to play this piece, I would die. My fingers would fall off and shrivel up. Mmmm.

Like my math teacher always says, the guy who wrote this should be locked up in a cage somewhere and never allowed out. It is compositions like these that are completely ruining all that is good in our society. This is the devil's march, the power of all evil, the unthinkable death. The end is near.

This is it, my friends. The Death Waltz, computer generated of course. Because computers can do what humans can't. Try not to have a heart attack, please.

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