Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's small and fluffy, it wears a collar, it serves as your best friend when no one else will, and it's NOT a dog

If you asked me what I want for Christmas this year, there would be an entire list of things that went through my mind (I'm an American, too). The new iPhone, some new Uggs, perhaps a new pair of jeans and a nice sweater too. But of all the possibilities of things in stores and online that I could ever want, what I really want more than anything else in the whole wide world is...

A kitten. Cats are cute, dainty, friendly, nifty, ingenious, savvy, angelic, admirable, pleasant, elegant, enticing, radiant, superb, dazzling, marvelous, stunning, splendid creatures who serves as fluffy cuddle buddies and lifelong friends. Now, if only I could convince my parents of this.

At times I feel as if my parents think that cats are evil creatures who are plotting to take over the world and letting them live in your home and become acquainted with you is the gateway to having them bind together with all the other cats and destroy all human life. Well, I'm here to inform you, parental unit, that it's not the case at all. (Yes, my parents do read this blog, that's where my two views a week come from).

Do you honestly think that something as cute as that would ever cause any harm? I think not! But besides just being cute, kittens provide comfort when you're in need. They are a shoulder to cry on. They are fun little furballs of joy. Plus, cats don't require much work. It's not like I'm asking for a dog, who you have to train and take outside every five minutes and walk and teach them not to jump on people and so on. No, I'm simply asking for a cat. Cats poop in a box which isn't that hard to clean, and that's really about all they do. You have to feed them of course, but I'm pretty sure a monkey could do that.

So please parents (and/or Santa), become enlightened and give a furry friend in need a home.

Is it too much to ask for a little kitten?

1 comment:

  1. Kittens become cats. High school students become college students. Dorms do not allow pets. Then who is to take care of the kitten then? Did you forget a line you wrote in your previous blog? "It's like, some things are just the way they are, OKAY?!"
