Saturday, November 5, 2011

Adele, nearly a legend

Love her or hate her, it's impossible not to respect her. She's gorgeous, talented, and sassy. That's right folks, Adele knows what she's doing. She's topped music charts all over the world, in places like Britain, Australia, and the United States. She's very successful, and a lot of it is because she's so different from a lot of the other modern pop stars like Lady Gaga and Ke$ha. That's right, Adele has class.

Her first hit song, "Rolling in the Deep", shows off her raspy voice with a little bit of blues touch. Adele is able to sing really high notes while still having a little chest voice in them, which I admire her for. As for the lyrics, she's basically saying "You played me, so bye, I don't need you", which is the attitude all women should have toward guys that are jerks. Adele shows her bitterness toward her ex-boyfriend in this song, which she also shows in her song "Rumour Has it".

Rolling in the Deep by Adele

In deep contrast to "Rolling in the Deep", Adele also sings the song "Someone Like You", which was inspired by a broken relationship. It's a sad song that is also about a break-up but has a much different mood from "Rolling in the Deep". The song features her beautiful voice and the video is simply her walking through the street.

Someone Like You by Adele

So basically, Adele is gorgeous and she has a beautiful voice. She is someone who people should look up to, unlike girls like Brittany Spears and Lady Gaga.

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