Sunday, November 6, 2011

Marching November?

So yesterday I attended the Iowa vs. Michigan game at Kinnick. I must say, though Michigan lost, it was still a good game. They should have won though. The touchdown at the end was definitely good, and it shouldn't have been overturned. The referees favored Iowa and it definitely showed--how unfair. But anyway, enough about the game, let's turn to the band.

It was the first time I had ever seen the Iowa Marching Band, and I had high expectations. I've seen Michigan's band, UNI's band, and Iowa State's band and they were all fantastic (Michigan's was the best, though.) When Iowa's marching band came out on the field though, I noticed a few things that shocked me. Their lines weren't straight. That's a problem that even my high school band is able to fix, so why were their lines curved in NOVEMBER of all times? Another thing I noticed was how small their band is. Compared to ISU and Michigan, their band is TINY! They only took up about half the field in regular spacing. As they performed, I kept thinking to myself, "How is this a college band?!". It was pretty disappointing.

I understand that it was freezing yesterday, so it probably wasn't their best performance, but I truly expected a lot more from the Iowa band. As for the game, I thought Michigan was at a strong disadvantage because of the referees that favored Iowa. I kept my head in the game, well, the fraction of it that wasn't completely frozen, and I stayed focused on it until the last second. But I was disappointed, not in my team, but in the ultimate outcome of it. Michigan still has a better record than Iowa, at least overall, and a chance at the Rose Bowl. We're still ranked higher than Iowa and have the largest number of wins in history and we're still awesome, but man, I thought this would be an easy win. I guess everyone has their bad days...and referees favor the lesser team. 

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