Sunday, March 11, 2012

Show Choir, Show Choir, and more Show Choir

Alright, so the show choir season is beginning to wind down, but this weekend we sure went out with a bang. My school attended the Jefferson Show Choir Invitational. On Friday, our jazz choir competed and placed 2nd in the jazz choir competition. Then, on Saturday, all three of our show choirs competed and achieved success. Our freshman show choir got fifth place in the prep division, competing against our very own prep group and being the only freshman group competing. Our prep group took first place in the prep division during the day, also taking all caption awards: best band, best female soloist, best male soloist, best choreography, best vocals, and overall grand champions. We also made it to finals. Our varsity group received the award for best female soloist during the daytime rounds and, not surprisingly, made it to finals as well.

During the night rounds, our prep group took 5th place out of 6 (still good considering we were the only prep group competing against 5 varsity groups) and our varsity group took grand champions as well as best choreography and best vocals. We took home roughly 15 trophies this weekend, a great addition to our already plentiful abundance. But for us, it wasn't really about the trophies. It was more about doing what we do best: entertaining our audience. Those people traveled, some of them hundreds of miles, to see us. And what would it be if we simply said, "We've got this competition in the bag, no need to even try"? We knew beforehand that we had a good chance at being very successful this weekend, yet we still put on the best shows we've done yet. Because we know that our number one job out there is not to win every award and trophy, but it is to entertain our audience and give them everything we've got. And that is why we are so successful.

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