Sunday, March 11, 2012

Books, Balls, and Boutonnieres

Happy Sunday. Can you believe the weekend is already over? I certainly can't. Anyway, I don't really have much to write about other than show choir and you guys are probably really bored with that so I'm just going to create this random blog post. Wow, that was a long sentence.

So I've jumped onto the bandwagon, it has happened to me, I have fallen for The Hunger Games. My friends asked me over and over again to read it, that I wouldn't regret it, that it's a great book. It's not that I didn't believe them, because I certainly trust my friends' judgement, but I used the excuse of not having any time for the longest time. Finally, on finals day, I finished one of my finals with forty minutes to spare. With nothing else to do, I grudgingly gave in and reached for the copy of the book my friend had lent me nearly a month before. After the first chapter, I was hooked, and that forty minutes felt more like five minutes. Although I still do have extreme time constraints, I am getting through the book as fast as I possibly can. I try to read a chapter or two every night before I go to bed, and I read during school whenever I get the chance. Let me just say this: if you have not yet read The Hunger Games you are seriously missing out. It may take some time out of your schedule, but overall it's a pretty fast read and it is soooo worth it. Read it. Seriously. Or I will come find you and make you read it. 

Other than that, not much is new. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my copy of Madwomen, a book in response to the TV show Madmen. Because let's face it, I must return to non-fiction at some point. And, I have to write a book review/essay on it. Ugh. I'd rather not think about that part.

WPA is this week. That is, Women Pay All, a dance at my school in which the girls ask the guys. And pay for everything. Including dinner. Oh my goodness, that is this week. And I have not yet gotten a headband, ordered my boutonniere (yes, I did have to look up how to spell that), or made sure my dress fits right. Ah, and golf starts TOMORROW and I have not yet put golf balls in my bag or put my bag in my car or any of that fun stuff. Ugh, why do things things approach so fast? I don't understand. I guess I better put down The Hunger Games and start checking things off my to-do list.

Other than that, I don't have much to say. So good night all, and have a great week.

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