Thursday, September 29, 2011

Watch Out Nation's Capital, Here Comes the JFK Marching Band

Let's go back in time, shall we? All the way back to May 2011, when the John F. Kennedy Marching Band marched in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. This was a picture perfect trip, that is, if you leave out the details of the 20 hour bus ride, the 108 degree heat index, and the sick roommate. Good times!

Oh, I'm kidding of course, it really was a fun trip. We got to visit pretty much every famous place you can think of in D.C., and then some. My personal favorite was the tour of the U.S. Capitol building, mainly because it was air-conditioned and an over-enthusiastic tour guide dressed in a red suit led us through the building and showed us statues of people whom we never cared to know about in the first place. We also went on a dinner-dance cruise along the Potomac River. That would have been nice, had it not been so humid. Either way, the cruise directors were very energetic and they let us dance and sing and it was a blast, plus the food was outstanding.

Oh yeah, I'm sure you're wondering about the parade. It just so happens that Memorial Day fell on the hottest day of the year, and we got the privilege to march in our brand new uniforms. On the plus side, I think there were only two members of our band who fainted, and only a few that got sick. Unfortunately, one was my roomate. Delicious.

But hey, we did get to be on national television. That's got to stand for something, right?

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