Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homecoming Music: What Makes a Good Homecoming?

So homecoming is here and it's all everyone's talking about. The spirit days, the assembly, the parade, the game, and lastly, the dance. Everyone's into who's going with who and what they're wearing and who's in your picture group and where you're all going to dinner. Quite frankly, I don't think it's that big of a deal, all it does is add stress to our already busy lives.

So what's the most important element in the homecoming dance, anyway? If you ask a girl, she would probably say the dress that she spent $250+ on at Dillards. If you ask a guy, he might say borrowing his dad's Lexus to drive so he looks cool. If you ask me, I would say that the music is the most important part of the dance.

Think about it: if the DJ plays crappy music, then no one is going to want to dance. If the DJ plays all techno, or rap, or country, then only people that like those types of music are going to want to dance. The DJ has to play the perfect blend of upbeat and slow paced music to make the dance just right. They also need to throw in some classics like Thriller and YMCA. The most important thing is to play something that people can actually dance to. We all know that nothing is more awkward than just standing there, looking around the room because you don't know what to do and the music is impossible to dance to.

Then again, the DJ has to be careful about what music he or she plays. We all know that teenagers can get a little out of hand when it comes to dancing--yeah, you all know what I'm talking about. What I find really unpleasant is the heat and sweat that fills the room when things really get out of control, so keep it chill, okay?

So now we can conclude that the DJ plays a crucial role in the success of a homecoming dance. Ladies, it's not about how you look and Gents, please, forget the car. The real solution is in the music played. That being said, don't put too much pressure on your DJ, either. Stop complaining about the music if they play one country song, and don't go up to the table and request them to play seven of your favorite songs, right now. Everyone just needs to calm down, stay cool, and relax. It's really just about having a good time.

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