Sunday, April 15, 2012

Show Choir Auditions.

This past Wednesday, my school held its annual Show Choir Auditions. Despite what you may think, this is not really a fun process for anyone. Here's how the process works:

Step One: Pick a song and practice it (Some people choose to skip this step).
Step Two: Fill out an audition form, indicating which groups your are auditioning for, what voice part you sing, what your schedule is like, etc.
Step Three: Sign up for an audition slot. First come first served.
Step Four: Show up at your designated audition time. Then, walk into the choir room, sign your name, and DO NOT BY ANY MEANS talk.
Step Five: Sing your audition song that you may or may not have rehearsed.
Step Six: Walk out of the choir room and DO NOT BY ANY MEANS talk.
Step Seven: Wait.

Oh yeah, did I mention it's a blind audition? ;)

So as you can see, the actual process is quite simple. It takes about 25 seconds per person. The waiting is much harder--waiting for call back lists, waiting for dance auditions, waiting for (sigh) THE LIST. The list that either does or does not contain the very name in which your parents gave you when you were born. The list that changes your life for the next year or so. The list that determines whether you yourself will be in show choir.

This all might seem very dramatic--and it is. Hundreds (literally) of people don't make it into show choir each year. Sighhhh.

I guess all I can do now is wait.

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